(강추)Image source : 백날 자습해도 이해 안 가던 딥러닝, 머리 속에 인스톨 시켜드립니다 by 하용호
(재밌음)Deep Learning State of the Art (MIT, 2019)
Learing Rate(학습률) 강도에 따른 변화 테스트
AutoML Tables로 높은 수준의 비즈니스 문제 해결하기
An Interactive Introduction to Fourier Transforms
딥러닝으로 오디오 만나보기 (Fourier Transform & MFCC)
딥러닝에서 클래스 불균형을 다루는 방법 (Weight balancing & Focal loss / Over & under sampling / SMOTE)
머신러닝 용어집 (Google ML Crash course)
Deep learning에서의 Kernel trick, Feature crosses
(CodeLab) Your first Keras model, with transfer learning
사전 학습된 ConvNet을 이용한 전이 학습 (Tensorflow Official)
model interpretability vs model explainability
LIME (python library for model explanation & interpretable model)
정형데이터를 위한 인공신경망 모델, TabNet (Google Cloud AI, feature selection & interpretability)
데이터 라벨링 너무 귀찮아요: 컨센서스 라벨링 도입기 (DEVIEW2020)
Statistics 110 : Probability from Harvard (커넥트 재단, 한글)
데이터과학자와 데이터엔지니어를 위한 인터뷰 문답집 (책, 매우 세부적인 MLDL 관련 Q&A)
Papers You Must Read (by 고려대 Data Science & Business Analytics 연구실)
세미나 모음자료 by 고려대 DSBA 연구실 (Paper Review & Lecture Review)
XOR solvable activation function helps DNNs
Dendritic action potentials and computation in human layer 2/3 cortical neurons
Optimizers - EXPLAINED (Youtube video)
Learning Rate Schedules and Adaptive Learning Rate Methods for Deep Learning
AdaBelief 1 (Adapting stepsizes by the belief in observed gradients)
AdaBelief 2 (Adapting stepsizes by the belief in observed gradients)
AdaBound (using dynamic bound of learning rate)
Group Normalization 논문 리뷰 1 (BN/LN/IN/GN 비교)
Group Normalization 논문 리뷰 2 (BN/LN/IN/GN 비교)
Evolving Normalization-Activation Layers 논문 리뷰 (AutoML-based EvoNorm)
Gradient descent, how neural networks learn (3Blue1Brown)
ONNX (Open Neural Network Exchange Format)
Papers with Code: Methods (딥러닝 관련 기법 분야별 논문 & 구현 모음)
Deep Learning State of the Art (MIT, 2019)
CNN 기초 설명 3 (필터 계산 예시, RGB 채널 적용 예시, Pooling 계산 예시 <- 쉬운 한글 설명)
CNN 기초 설명 5 (필터 & 풀링 구체적인 계산 예시 <- 구체적 계산)
쉬운 Object Detection lib, cvlib (얼굴/성별/물체)
OpenCV 튜토리얼 by OpenCV (Basics + ObjectDetection & PoseEstimation)
TF Hub를 활용한 Object Detection @ https://j.mp/3mV31S6 + Object Detection Classifier with TF 2.0
Paper list of object detection using deep learning @ https://goo.gl/MKu8Em + Object detection의 변천사
(국문) HuggingFace NLP Tutorials with NSMC & KLUE
BERT for TensorFlow v2 (Keras implementation of google-research/bert)
Transfer learning and Transformer models (TF ML Tech Talks, embedding/Transformer/BERT)
Transformers by HuggingFace: BERT/GPT-2/RoBERT/XLM/XLNet/etc (TF2.0 & Pytorch 구현 코드)
HuggingFace Model Hub 1 (다양한 NLP 모델 저장소, 모델 간략설명 / 간단테스트 / 파이썬 API 활용코드 포함)
HuggingFace Model Hub 2 (다양한 NLP 모델 저장소, 모델 간략설명 / 간단테스트 / 파이썬 API 활용코드 포함)
SourceAI 1 (GPT-3 Code Generator)
SourceAI 2 (GPT-3 Code Generator)
Awesome GPT-3 (a collection of demos and articles about the OpenAI GPT-3 API)
Awesome GPT-3 (a collection of demos and articles about the OpenAI GPT-3 API) + GPT Crush
GPT-3 based Text2Code examples : (React-app)
GPT-3 based Text2Code examples : (LaTeX)
GPT-3 based Text2Code examples : (JSX)
(new & advanced) Screenshot-to-code
(new & advanced) Screenshot-to-code
(new & advanced) Screenshot-to-code + AlphaCode Attention Visualization
Implementation & replication of DALL·E (in Pytorch)
카카오브레인, 이미지 생성 모델 ‘RQ-Transformer’ 깃허브에 공개
인공지능이 제품개발을 대체할 수 있을까?: 디자이너, 엔지니어, 마케터까지 (AI Friends)
A Deeper Look Into The Life of An Impressionist (deepfakes of celebrities)
Fake video of President Barack Obama
Fake video of President Barack Obama + Very realistic Tom Cruise Deepfake
사람의 목소리와 얼굴을 똑같이 합성...국내 최초, AI 뉴스 앵커 나왔다 (July, 2019)
사람의 목소리와 얼굴을 똑같이 합성...국내 최초, AI 뉴스 앵커 나왔다 (July, 2019) + 김주하 AI 앵커 2020년 9월 22일 정오 주요뉴스
Albumentations 1 (fast augmentations based on highly-optimized OpenCV library)
Albumentations 2 (fast augmentations based on highly-optimized OpenCV library))
ImgAug (library for various augmentation techniques)
Test Time Augmentation and how to perform it with Keras
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